within this world of stress in which we are immersed, practically more than 60%
of the treatments that are done in a therapy cabinet are focused on solving
back problems.
This can
give us an idea of how important it is for us, and the special interest we
should have in keeping that area of our body free from injury. Improving our
quality of life happens, irremediably, to solve these annoying and daily back
Now, what
can we do to improve it?
correction, exercise ... today we have many alternatives at our disposal, but
are they all equally beneficial to us? Of course not. That is why we are going
to show you some very simple keys that will help you in the day to day:
correction: The most important of all. It is the cornerstone of any back
treatment. If we take into account that we spend most of the day away from
home, subjected to various stimuli both physical and emotional and that in most
of the times our postural hygiene is deficient. We should try to find the right
position at all times. A bad postural alignment will lead us in a more or less
brief time to an injury.
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correction of these postural habits should begin in childhood, as in most cases
it is not so, the sooner we become aware of the importance of good postural
hygiene before we will start the path of recovery or even prevention of pain.
Perform specific exercise focused on
strengthening both the tonic muscles of the back and the famous "core
abdominal", that muscular belt of the abdominal region so important and so
forgotten in the training routines of many athletes. Hypopressive abdominal
work and gentle stretching should not be missed in our daily sessions if we
want to avoid excessive suffering of the lumbar area, which exponentially
multiply the risk of injury in the area.
Avoid lifting weight from bad positions. The
lifting of an object from the ground, translates into a mechanical lever that
multiplies by almost ten the pressure that the vertebra undergoes in comparison
to the raised weight. Always bend your knees keeping your back straight ensures
a correct layout and will avoid extra suffering from the different vertebral
segments involved in the action.
Although not physical, the emotional factor has
a very important role in certain localized pains especially in the back. The
primal fear of being attacked by the back translates into a haven for stress
and its consequences. Many treatments have failed because the emotional factor
has been kept aside by looking for the cause only on a physical plane. Trying
to mitigate the impact of stress by changing small mental routines from
cognitive psychology will not only provide a good emotional balance, but will
also have a very positive influence on those back pains generated by it.
By following
these small recommendations we will substantially improve those uncomfortable
discomforts and in addition we will improve our quality of life.