Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Indianapolis Body Massage: Holiday with No Lesions

The summer period begins, the ideal moment to start up those projects that we have matured during the winter. Races, long bike rides taking advantage of the good weather and the competition season!!! As diverse as attractive astromad, Spartan race, running street, etc ... Diversity and levels for all tastes. An offer so varied that the choice seems difficult, so in the face of doubt we overload the personal schedule of tests that can later lead to an injury that, most likely, continue dragging throughout the summer.

First we must be selective and try those challenges or tests that we can reach in optimal conditions of preparation. It is preferable not to participate in a test and postpone it for later, before forcing and get injured. Having among other consequences the delay of our preparation for the winter season. Apart from not being able to enjoy the holidays as we had planned.
The main thing is the injuries derived from bad hydration. It is very important the correct intake of fluids, especially in the activities that we are going to perform outdoors. Recent studies on hydration and performance in sports show surprising results on the extreme importance of hydration in the race and as our evolutionary predisposition help us to cover long distances in environments of high temperatures without needing large water consumption. For us, accustomed to regular hydration;
Cramps, contractures and muscle overload are the biggest problems to avoid. Especially with an ingestion of liquids with high electrolytic component (typical drinks with high contents in mineral salts).
We have another group formed by more physical injuries.
·         Plantar fasciitis. "Star" injury on vacation due to changes in footwear. The transition from heeled to flatter shoes (typical "flip-flops") varies the biomechanics of foot tread, which we have been maintaining throughout the winter. The indefatigable plantar fascia begins to suffer this bad step and begin to appear localized pains plantar level that with the passage of the days become a long injury and painful solution. Here, flexing and strengthening plantar exercises, massage with cryotherapy and visiting a good therapist to help us correct the injury are fundamental. If we do not run the risk of suffering during all vacations the problems arising from it.
·         Periostitis. It is an inflammation of the fibrous membrane formed by connective tissue that lines the shaft of the bone, except in the articular areas. It is an injury that causes a lot of pain due to the great innervations and vascularization of it. The most common is the tibial and is produced by the upward force generated in the impact phase of the foot in running and may even lead to a stress cracking. It can be caused by running on hard surfaces or barefoot in areas where the terrain generates an increase of this impact (such as the part of the beach where the sand is more compact). Your solution is to avoid these lands, try to make a smooth transition to another type of surface when running and of course NEVER run barefoot on hard surfaces. The treatment of muscular discharge will also focus on working the triceps muscle and performing a specific work of treatment in the periosteal zone of greater pain.
There are many more injuries but maybe these are the ones that are given in a higher percentage. And above all associate the holidays not only with the enjoyment, also with the rest and the preparation of our organism for the winter season.
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